Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"They are piles of love..."

Lately I've found myself feeling pretty defeated when it comes to housework - it seems that no matter how hard I try, there are just piles of stuff everywhere. Today I felt that literally everywhere I looked, I found something that could/should be cleaned, organized, or picked up. Everywhere!

I'm finding that one aspect of motherhood that I wasn't quite prepared for was the sheer difficulty of keeping things in order...I thought, heck! I'll be able to stay on top of everything when Thomas naps! Bahahaha. Famous last words.

I'm also realizing that my duties as a wife and mother entail doing tasks that aren't noticed if they are done but are more noticeable if they are NOT completed. When I've emptied the dishwasher and put all the dishes away, things are as they "should" be in the kitchen. But when I haven't had time to do that, and dishes are piled up all over, then that chore is noticed because there's a big mess and nothing to eat on. If I haven't had time to stuff Thomas' diapers, that job is noticed because we have to search around for a disposable diaper.

And so tonight I gave Drake an ear-full about my struggles as of late...and he reminded me of something really important: "You know, it's good that there are piles around here...if our place was perfectly put together but Thomas was constantly upset and unpredictable, then I'd be concerned. But the fact is that Thomas is so joyful and loved. So who cares about the piles? They are piles of love..."

Thank you, Drake - I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I have been having this EXACT struggle, and more interestingly, my mom and I just had a conversation about this last night. You are so incredibly blessed to have a husband that sees it that way!
