When Thomas was born, an occupational therapist did some tests and found that Thomas was actually right on track despite missing out on 6 weeks of womb time. But in the same breath she mentioned that he might be behind for the first two years of his life. Up to this point, I've felt that Thomas was pretty much on target...he's been hitting milestones as he should be. But as he approaches 9 months of age, I'm worried that he's not crawling. He pushes up on his arms with no problem, but he seems to drag his butt on the ground instead of lifting it in the air. I also feel like he's sometimes quick to give up when he's frustrated or can't get to where he'd like to go. It's really hard as a parent...hard not only to see my son struggle but also hard to know exactly how to help him in a way that will enable him to thrive versus depend on things to be done for him, such as my moving a toy closer so that he doesn't need to reach or scoot toward it. It's also humbling to see some 6 month olds at the library crawling around. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair because I, like every parent, want the best for my child. We parents all want our children to be ahead of the curve or at least be keeping up.
I've talked to many parents who have said their children were late crawlers...not crawling until 9 or 10 months, and some not really even ever getting up onto their knees at all. One friend has a husband in medical school who recently learned that babies are hard-wired to reach milestones at a certain time so there's not a lot that parents can do to encourage it to happen any earlier. I take some consolation in that. But it admittedly doesn't make it any easier. I don't want to fall back on the "excuse" that he's a preemie, though that is the reality of the situation. Gestationally, Thomas is 7 1/2 months old with his chronological age being nearly 9 months. And I realize that he's still within the "normal" limits for crawling. And you know, maybe I need to worry much less about what other people think and focus more on areas in which Thomas is excelling. With that said, I'm going to list some of the many incredible things about my son:
- He is learning sign language really well - his face lights up when he sees signs for milk, eat, more, up, bath, all done, cereal, cracker, change, etc. It's amazing to be able to communicate with him like this.
- He sits up beautifully and plays independently. He's starting to be able to interact a lot more with Drake and I.
- This kid has the best belly laughs I've ever heard...it warms my heart to hear him crack up over silly things Drake and I do, not to mention the excitement that ensues over tickle time.
- He's been wanting to put the spoon in his mouth by himself, and he has excellent aim! He's been loving all sorts of different foods and has a new love for graham crackers.
- He loves playing in his Jumperoo and Exersaucer.
- He does a great job locating sounds and is very curious and alert.
- He has an insanely cute reaction upon seeing a picture of himself...you have to see it to believe it.
- He is cooing and babbling all the time...and buzzing his lips is a new favorite activity.
- He's quite the little swimmer!
- He recognizes the first few words to some of his favorite songs, including Wheels on the Bus, Patty Cake, and Itsy Bitsy Spider.
- He easily transfers toys from one hand to the other and will even use both hands to support heavier toys.
- He's recently started giving kisses...I love it so much that I typically leave the sloppy spot on my cheek until it dries instead of wiping it off.
- His joyful personality is second to none.
Ohmygoodness this made me miss you guys even more!!! I'm not a parent, so I have no advice, but it sounds like he's doing just fine for now. :) I'm sad we're not able to see Thomas grow and develop into a little man. :( So you should just update all the time with lots of adorable pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteI can see your concerns, but rest assured, Thomas is doing JUST fine and you are doing everything you can to provide an environment where he will hit those milestones. I LOVE that you are doing sign language- did you learn from a book?
ReplyDeleteUnrelated: How did you get your blog labels to look like that?
While I don't have my own yet, I do work with 12 infants daily and I can tell you, very rarely do we see one crawl by 9 months! Currently, we have 4 babies that were born witin a week of Thomas, all of them full-term babies and out of the 4, only one is crawling, and he just started this week! Usually when we have one crawl at that age, they are a second/third sibling who have a lot to keep up with! In this case, our one baby crawling is number 4!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd share my observations, it was wonderful to see you this weekend, we will have to get together again soon!
You are such a wonderful mother mamma steed =]
ReplyDeleteIf it matters at all I was a preemie and I know it did take some time for me to crawl, etc--but I turned out alright (some could argue that point...I like to blame my clumsyness on being a preemie..Thomas can use it throughout his life as a solid excuse).
This post makes me miss Thomas--a hang out will occur soon..I just need to stop being sick!!
Love you all Steeds!