Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year Challenge: Budget

A few weeks ago, Drake and I decided we would give ourselves a budget challenge to ring in the new year with a particular emphasis on groceries.  Yep, we're real party animals :).  Even though it's pretty difficult to stick to the budget and requires a lot of creativity and sacrifice, it helps tremendously that both of us are on board with this.  It helps us keep each other accountable, gives us another person with whom to brainstorm ideas, and, ahem, helps us save money!  We know that money will come at a premium these next few years with Drake in grad school, so the purpose of our budgeting is not only to save money for that time but also to get ourselves in the habit of staying faithful to wise financial decisions.

A few things that we're already doing have helped our overall money-spending/saving:
1. Breastfeeding Thomas - thankfully I was blessed with a good milk supply, and I'm hoping to nurse him until he's 12 months.  We haven't spent a dime on formula/bottles.
2. Cloth diapering - not only do I love cloth diapers, but they have saved us a heck of a lot of money.  We are fortunate to have a washer and dryer in our apartment unit, and we pay a flat fee for water.  We purchased cloth diapers that Thomas (and, God willing, more Steeds) will be able to wear from birth to potty training.
3. Grocery shopping at Aldi - admittedly I have to swallow my pride when I go in there, but I soon get over it when I find milk for $1.49!  I also feel good about shopping there versus Walmart, and our Aldi really has much more than just the staple food items we need.
4. Entertaining pot-luck style - we don't want our money saving ventures to mean we never have people over, so we typically will kindly ask people to bring a dish to share.  And so far, we've never been turned down because of this request :).
5. I've made Thomas' baby food since he could start eating pureed fruits and veggies.  And now that he can eat most anything, he just eats whatever Drake and I eat.  Once he's a voracious teenager who does nothing but eat, then it will affect our grocery bill...but for now, there are little to no changes in that regard.  And thankfully he loves Cheerios and graham cracker, so we're not spending extra money on puffs.   

Other things have been tremendous blessings for us, such as the generosity of family and friends that have bought Thomas more clothes than we have room for and grandparents who spoil Thomas (and us) constantly.   I've been able to cash in on some amazing garage sales and consignment sales, and we've been able to borrow baby things from friends as well.

Groceries are tricky though - and I think one of the toughest parts is buying nutritious foods for less money and not settling for an all-carb diet.  I'm constantly on the look-out for coupons and closely follow several money saving mom blogs that advertise sales/deals/giveaways.  Any food money-saving tips?  Let's hear 'em!


  1. Not that there's any now, but what about a farmer's market for produce come spring/summer?

  2. This is me commenting =]

    I love Aldi! It is always my first stop when I have to start grocery shopping! I agree that it does feel a bit shady (I always feel like the store can just pack up in 24 hours and be an abandoned building). I did a little research on them bc I was concered that since they have such good prices that maybe they weren't treating their workers so great---buuut they are a pretty solid german based company! And, they have been green for quite some time now with bringing your own bags (really its a ploy for them to not have to give out bags..whatevs). I do also like taking their big cardboard boxes for home recycling.
    I also like at aldi that you have to pay either with debit or cash. It helps me stick to my budget! And the fit and active brand is totally great.

    I was an aldi nayser before...but now I'm totally on board...and glad that you are there with me steeds!

  3. I researched them too, Lauren, and it sounds like Aldi employees actually earn a pretty decent paycheck! It's nice to buy things so inexpensively and not feel guilty about it on the way out!
