Monday, February 8, 2010

Retreat Weekend Recap

As some of you know, I was fortunate enough to go on a women's retreat this past weekend.  I made every effort to go in with no expectations - I didn't want a preconceived notion of what I wanted to happen in the event that it was very different than I anticipated.  Without going into every detail of the retreat, I walked away with my eyes open a bit wider to the reality of Christ in my life.  I know that sounds cliche or taken right from some high school theology text book.  But honestly, I finally was able to admit to myself that I wasn't allowing God to be a part of my life - I, as I so often do, was taking everything on by myself.  I'm not sure that I was intentionally pushing God out, but I most definitely was not being in proactive in allowing Him in.  I would be lying, though, if I told you I have a completely different mindset now that will never be shaken...allowing our Lord into my weakest moments is a process.  It's not going to happen overnight, nor will I be anywhere near perfect at this.  I'm taking baby steps, and I'm starting by simply asking God to take down the walls that I've put between myself and Him.  That should be a good start :).

PS. Thanks be to God that Drake was accepted into his first grad school program!  Interview #2 tomorrow...please pray for him!


  1. I am so glad you had a great time. Thank you for the reminder that we need to let God in on our weakest times, too.

  2. Glad to hear the retreat went well. Congrats Drake! I am so excited for the three of you :)

  3. Lauren, my dear,

    I'm so glad that the retreat was good. :) I'm just now catching up on your blog from the past few days--I'm sorry that things have been so difficult lately. Know that I'm thinking of you always and praying for you...I miss you so much! I would love to talk sometime soon, maybe this weekend?

    Sending you big hugs and day-long life chats with mugs of hot chocolate. :) Give Thomas and Drake big hugs from me as well.

