Thursday, April 8, 2010

Healthy Toddler Snacks

I was talking with a few mom friends yesterday about the difficulty in finding healthy snacks that toddlers like.  It seems that so much of it is "cracker-based," which, in my opinion, is fine but just gets boring after a while.  Thomas usually gets either Cheerios, graham cracker, rice Chex, or Goldfish. (Note:  in reality, he gets the knock-off brand of each of the aforementioned name brands).  I decided to take matters into my own hands today and did some snack searching.  Throughout this afternoon and evening, I'm hoping to make the following snacks:

homemade sweet potato chips (my own concoction...let me know if you want my very informal recipe)
yogurt-based cookies (no egg!)
raisin granola bars (nut-free)...(from the More with Less cookbook)

I'm still on the look-out for more toddler-friendly snacks...any suggestions?


  1. I liked The Eat Clean Diet for Families and Kids by Tosca Reno. She had a lot of healthy options for muffins and cookies and other things like that. She uses a lot of flax seed in her recipies and unfortunately there's a flax allergy here so I couldn't use a lot of her stuff, but I would if I could. See if you can get the book from your library. Any of her cookbooks are great. I think you should post your recipe for your sweet potato chips and the granola bars too!

  2. Hey Lauren, we refer to the wholesomebabyfood website to make Jimmy's food and they have a toddler site. I love it! Hope you can find it helpful

  3. My kids love dried fruit cut up small for the wee one. They also love muffins, which I make with flax seed and whole wheat flour. Homemade granola bars are great. My kids loved to eat yogurt with a spoon. Its messy but I just strip Miles down and let him go to town.

  4. All of this talk about food is making me hungry:)
    I would love to see your recipies for the sweet potato chips and granola bars as well!

  5. I'd love the sweet potato chip recipe too!! Please dish! :) We have almost totally given up buying snacky foods for the boys. They plough through everything so fast and it gets expensive. Our staples around here are homemade granola bars and graham crackers. I have a cracker recipe I am going to try, I'll let you know if it turns out. The twins loooooove dried cranberries and frozen blueberries, and frozen or fresh grapes. I make our own creme fraiche and the boys cannot get enough of it. I'm all about toddler snack ideas -- thanks for posting this!
