Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a new look

It's a new year.  And while I, maybe like you, have good intentions to do things like stick to my workout routine, eat better, and make prayer top priority, I'm committing myself this year to living balance....balance in all things.

I've always struggled with the direction of this blog - who is my audience?  Who really reads this thing anyway?  Why do people read it?  Why do I blog in the first place?

I've decided to use this blog for myself - I'm going to start to be more honest.  Honest about Catholic family life, honest about life as a stay at home mom, honest about struggles, honest about joys, honest about my relationship with God, and honest about life in general.

Maybe, just maybe, this will give you permission to do the same in your own life.  I'm not nearly as together as you might think, and I'm starting to realize that that's okay.  And so, as I've said many times before, I'm going to try to make blogging a priority for myself.  I hope to blog about all sorts of topics, some or none of which may be of interest to you.

And hey, do me a favor...would you mind becoming a follower if you have read this blog even once?  I appreciate knowing who is reading.  I'd also love to read any comments - feel free to leave them here or shoot me an email...I promise to reply to you, and more importantly, I promise to pray for you.

May 2011 be a year of growth in all things!


  1. I already followed you though our family blog, but if I post comments on other blogs Jerry prefers that I post them through my little bit more anonymous blog. I told Stephanie about something cute I'd like to sew for Maria, but life has gotten in the way and I haven't done it yet. Maybe now that I told you about it, I will get on it! :)

  2. What's the point of followers/following someone? I dont do fancy stuff like that :)

  3. I am definitely a follower, and I look forward to you blogging :)
