Tuesday, June 8, 2010

maybe one day

With our upcoming huge life changes, we've been in the process of looking for a new place to live.  We've got our price range, amenity needs, and general area nailed down.  But we've still got to find a place - we're trying to keep weekends open as much as possible to allow for all the travel back and forth, enabling us to see the places in person.  We've utilized Craig's List, suggestions from family and friends, and a host of apartment/rental companies.

So far, we've got nothing.

We're checking out another place on Saturday - I'm hopeful but trying not to get my heart set on it.  Seems that lately we're running into Craig's List scammers, companies changing their prices and going back on their word (making it more expensive, of course), or just general too little bang for our buck.

Did I mention I'm trying to remain hopeful?

I'm really going to miss central Illinois - and part of why is the drastic price differences/cost of living.  But, God is calling us to do this.  We're confident about that.  And I'm learning that when God calls you to something, He'll get you through it...but that doesn't mean the process will be easy or even all that enjoyable.  I'm also confident that all this will contribute greatly to the sanctification of our family.

God willing, we'll live in a house one day - a house that we own, maintain, and about which we make decisions.  But that day's not today.

And so, Drake and I continue to pray about our future residence, entrusting it to the hands of our Lady.  Holy Family, pray for us!

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