Thursday, June 24, 2010

simple reminders

There's a lot of stress around our home lately - in addition to the day to day tasks, there's our ever mobile toddler who can now get into just about anything, is showing signs of tantrum-throwing, and is always busy.  Always.  Then there's all the logistical things to work out for our move - transferring to new doctors, finalizing moving plans, organizing our stuff and all the lovely people who have offered to help with that said stuff, determining what will go where, what we can do without, etc.  I've hardly touched my sewing projects these last couple weeks and find myself wiped out when I do find myself with a bit of free time. 

Oh, and this pregnancy.  To put it nicely, this has been one hot, swollen, pregnant summer for me.  Admittedly, I'm not dealing too well with all the raging hormones, weekly injections, and daily worry that accompany me and my ever-growing belly.  There's a huge part of me that wishes we could finish up the pregnancy with our current OB and an even bigger part of me that's nervous/anxious to transfer to a new OB whom I have never met.  I'm so thankful to be pregnant - but it has its crosses.  Maybe you know what I mean.

But then there are some daily reminders that keep me going.  My husband tells me (and shows me) numerous times a day that he loves me.  His reminders about my beauty help keep me going sometimes, swollen ankles and all.  Sweet Thomas and that curly red hair that frames one gorgeous set of eyes - I couldn't have chosen a more beautiful combination myself.  And our little girl who really seems to be having a heck of a time in the womb (we're all hoping her one person party will last at minimum until the end of September, preferably into October).  And lately, in the midst of all that's going on in our family, all our planning, all our things to do, I'm reminded to seize the opportunities for pour my love out onto my family, to forget myself, to give and be open to receiving love.

I think St. Therese talked about only enduring the present suffering and not thinking too far ahead because only the Lord can handle more than the present moment.  Here's to today!

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