Thursday, July 15, 2010

small successes, vol 2


1.  This week I've napped more days than not - and while for many, this would not be seen as a "success," it was certainly a big step for me!  I'm very slowly but surely learning that my own resting really is a way to serve our family, particularly when I'm pregnant.  And taking even just 30 minutes to sleep during Thomas' nap is refreshing and gives me so much more energy to finish up the day.
2.  I find that when I'm pregnant, I become intensely introverted...more like hyper-aware of my body.  And while I need to pay attention to how I'm feeling, I often take this to an extreme and end up causing myself much undue anxiety.  This is a big reason why I do not read pregnancy books or articles that talk about how a woman "should" be feeling or what she "should" be experiencing at a certain point in her pregnancy.  In order to help alleviate some of that anxiety, I've decided to replace those negative, anxiety-ridden thoughts with one simple phrase: "God alone is my sufficiency."  I believe it's from Corinthians, and I read it in one of my Divine Intimacy meditations this week.  Simply stated, it's been working wonders in even just a couple of days.  The mind is so very powerful, so I'm trying to channel it Heavenward rather than inward.  It's humbling just how much concentration and purposeful thinking it takes for me - but I'm getting there.

3.  Transitioning Thomas from two naps to one long afternoon nap continues to work out wonderfully.  He sleeps from about 1:00 until 3:30 or 4:00 (with the occasional 2:30 wake-up some days).  This makes our play dates, errands, library programs, etc. so much easier to schedule since our mornings can now be dedicated fully to them instead of trying to sandwich activities in between two naps, especially if travel is involved.  I'm also so glad that he's on this schedule before his sister arrives so that it's already set in place as we transition to life with two under two.  


  1. That is great that you are napping and taking time for yourself. It is not easy to do! And even better that the naps for Thomas are going well!

  2. The nap situation will be great for you to spend some time with Thomas alone once baby girl gets here. I loved playing with Maggie during Miles' morning nap.
