Friday, August 20, 2010

so. many. blessings.

We've recently moved.  It was a ton of work both packing and unpacking (which is still something we're working on since we've been here a whopping 7 days), all the cleaning, organizing, etc.  But we were so thankful to have so much help from family and friends -- many thanks to each of you!

This new place feels so much more like our home already than our apartments in Urbana ever did the last two years.  And the more we get organized and settled in, the more I love it!

We had our first appointment with our new OB yesterday - I was apprehensive at first because I really liked my OB in Urbana.  But I must admit that I think I like this OB even more.  And here's why:
  • He walked in with a small St. Peter pin on his white coat...clearly Catholic.
  • The nurse informed me before he came in that he and his wife are expecting their 11th child any day now.  Pro-life perhaps? :)
  • His approach and personality are a perfect fit for Drake and I -- he's extremely down to earth and very intelligent.  He's not worried about this pregnancy at all and even disagrees with the diagnoses I was previously given (with compelling evidence to back it up) as a result of the complications I encountered in my first pregnancy.
  • He assured me that the likelihood of my being able to carry the baby to at least week 35/36 is extremely high.
We've been able to go to daily mass everyday this week as a family - man oh man am I ever getting spoiled having my dear husband home all day everyday.  We registered at this parish yesterday and got the ball rolling with Baptism preparations for our little lady.

We've already had several dinners and fun time together with family and friends even in just the one week that we've been here.  It's so nice to have moved closer to many familiar faces.  We were able to celebrate Drake's birthday with family as well as his mom's birthday, welcome my brother home from Africa, have a couple meals and a morning at a local splash pad with some dear friends, and we have plans nearly everyday next week as well.

It's hard to not look too far ahead, but right now we're really soaking in the family time together!


  1. Glad you are enjoying your new home and getting lots of time with family! Can't wait to see you hopefully soon!

  2. I am so glad you are enjoying tons of family time!
