Saturday, February 20, 2010

12 Month Well Baby Check-up

Yesterday we paid a visit to our pediatrician for Thomas' one year appointment.  The result?  Everything looks great!  Here are some highlights:
  • Thomas weighed in at 21 pounds - this number shocks me based on how much this kid can eat.  I am in awe of his metabolism (and  little bit jealous too!).
  • He is 30 inches long.
  • He can "say" these words: cheese, Jesus, dada, Cheerio
  • He's clapping, waving, pointing - completely endearing.
  • He can self-feed...still working on coordinating that spoon a little bit better, but he's getting there!
  • He crawls, pulls up, cruises...I think a little more confidence and practice will have him walking all over the place.
He can start eating berries now and even can try seafood (just in time for Lent!).  We might venture into watching Baby Einstein or the like sometime soon.  Up to this point, we haven't once turned on the TV for him, and we're really in no hurry to do so.  But I think those types of videos can be learning experiences as long as a parent is there to interact with the baby by pointing out shapes, colors, characters, etc.  I know there will be times that I need to sit Thomas in front of the TV with a 30 minute video or something...but for now, I'm hoping to make any TV time just like any other parent-child activity.

Looking forward to this next year of growth and development!   


  1. right on! we have started watching more children's programming, but then again our kids are now three and two.

  2. cheese, Jesus, dada, & cheerio...the boy only needs mamma & Mary and he's done for his vocabulary!
