Wednesday, January 26, 2011

help! my children are growing too quickly!

Several things happened tonight that made both of my children seem exponentially older.

Thomas ran up to me and said, "Wind up the chick please, Mommy!"  Just like that.  A full sentence (this is most definitely not his first sentence, but we've been working on asking for things politely and using more description than just the simple "please, Mommy") complete with nouns, a verb, and the bonus "please!"

Maria rolled over several times by herself from back to belly -- and seeing her sit in the Bumbo seat just makes her seem so much bigger and more mature :). 

My children are so beautiful -- and I am so blessed!


  1. I know kids grow up very fast. My kid is almost five! five! He can actually do choirs, and help me, and tell me stories. I just want to hold on forever...

  2. A whole sentence? Wow! That is fantastic! :) And Maria s rolling over, oh my goodness!
