Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lately I've Been Thinking About Suffering

This post is somewhat inspired by the article in my previous post about suffering and embracing our crosses; a secondary inspiration is my own thoughts about our current family situation and the stressors we find ourselves undertaking (not necessarily by choice but by necessity).

I've been noticing how easy it can be for me to compare my crosses to those of others.  It's easy to think that because someone doesn't have the sufferings that I do means that they couldn't possibly understand the anguish I might be facing.  I think that's true, but only to a point - it's true in the sense that I cannot fully relate to a person's suffering if I have not experienced it directly.  It does NOT mean, however, that it's not a true cross for them.  The best I can do is pray with them, for them, and open myself to being a support to them.  And besides, what's the point of comparing suffering anyway?  Personal suffering = personal path to holiness.  Let's leave it at that, eh?

So often lately, Drake has been a constant reminder to me that our suffering is temporary.  Some of our current crosses will be, we think, less burdensome about a month from now; some of our crosses may be lightened about 7 months from now...and even though we'll very likely find ourselves with a whole new set of crosses to bear when our current ones have passed, the point is that we're not made for this world.  We're made for Heaven, for union with our Creator - and our lives need to be lived to give glory to Him, particularly in the midst of difficulty and trial...when it's not easy, not pleasurable, maybe not even desirable.

I'm praying for the grace to accept (maybe even joyfully) the crosses God has laid before my family, trusting that the sufferings of today will bear fruit in eternal life.