Tuesday, April 20, 2010

some sweet photos

I know I've been slacking in the photos department...so here are a few gems to make up for lost time :)


I fall more and more in love with this child every day.  And really, I struggle to put into words the immense love, joy, and beauty that God has placed in my life in the form of this beautiful child. What a ridiculously unbelievable blessing.


  1. So Cute! How could you not love this guy he even helps with the laundry!)

  2. Paternal GrandfatherApril 21, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    Wow, Thomas sure looks a lot like his paternal grandfather! How handsome!

  3. I love the one with him and the diapers!! Although, any picture with Thomas in it is a super cute picture! :)
